Just as Jesus came not to be served but to serve, our conviction is that Christians are drawn by God’s love to serve others just like Christ serves us. At Wentworth, we send our congregation out into the world to engage in God’s mission in their personal contexts.

This means that our church is often non-programmatic by nature, and can be varied in its ministries depending on the passions and capacities of our members. We also want to release our church to engage in mission wherever they find themselves during the week, and so celebrate involvement in school councils, neighbourhood associations, homeless shelters, pregnancy care centers, and other organizations through which they can bring God’s kingdom to bear in the relationships in their lives.

Serve Our City

We partner with Lift Church, a congregation that meets on the McMaster University Campus, to express the love and concern of Jesus to our neighbours by providing a free hot take-away meal and a safe place to meet every Tuesday, rain or shine. Everyone is welcome to join us for these free community meals.

Greater Ontario House of Prayer

Prayer is an critical element for the flourishing of lives and churches. For the past number of years, our church has welcomed the Greater Ontario House of Prayer to use our building as a home base for ministry. While this will be changing as we embark on our building project with Indwell, we continue to encourage our members to grow in prayer by participating in and supporting the ministry of GOHOP.

To learn more about GOHOP, visit their website.

Missional Activities

Our church regularly engages in missional activities to bless our neighbours and share the Gospel in word and deed. Examples of past events have been food drives, clothing drives, neighbourhood garbage cleanup days, charity yard sales, a hot lunch program, holiday meals, Christmas hampers, and much more.

Do you have an idea for a missional activity we could engage in? Use this form to propose your idea!


...we're not interested in reinventing the wheel, so here is a list of some of the local agencies and ministries our church supports through the use of our offerings, time, and energy that you could also serve with:

Micah House
Mission Services Hamilton
Hamilton Out of the Cold
Greater Ontario House of Prayer
The Bridge